
My name is Katya, I am Multidisciplinary Designer and Illustrator.

I’ve created DICE studio to combine my many passions and skills: design, illustration and creative experiences. Creative experiences include many different things that inspire and move me, like art experiments (for example, making your own paint from the stones! Whaaaat…?), collages (including digital), urban sketching, stop motion, and numerous workshops to hone creative or professional skills. I am life-long learner, I love discovering new tools and approaches in design and I am passionate about all things creative. I believe creativity will save the world (and kindness).

When I am not at the computer working, I am usually reading (recent discovery: Hey, Whipple, Squeeze This), shooting arrows at the archery (and mostly missing) or painting illustrations for my Etsy shop.

Please, get in touch, let’s chat :)
